Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Plateau

Today, I am slightly down but definitely not in the abyss.  I am still lonely, but I am trying to combat that by getting out and doing things.  Having lost my confidante is still tearing me up inside, but the pain is subsiding to a constant, dull ache. I don't know how I will ever trust anybody with my whole self again.  That was a problem anyway.  I just don't share about myself much.

I have had some good news.  I story that I wrote for an anthology was accepted for publication and I signed my first contract as an author today.  I am no longer just a stay at home mom, but a writer as well.  However, now my writing isn't giving me with joy it used to and I think it is because the person that I used to write with, my mentor, my cheerleader has been excised from my life due to the aforementioned betrayal.  They had become a large part of my life and my world is slightly colorless and flat without them.

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